2007 - The Big 10 Inch Has Risen Again!

On Friday, the first day of the 2007 competition, we were ahead with a shot of 3490 feet. The current champ, “2nd Amendment”, gets to shoot last each day. Theirs went 63 feet farther.

The winds from offshore hurricane Noel shifted from NE on Fri, to right into everyone's barrels out of the N on Sat. We had the best shot that day at 3416 feet, beating the champ by 178 feet.

Sunday, the winds died down somewhat and came out of their prevailing NW. We fired the best pumpkin we’ve ever had for a 4211 footer. This bested all others by 631 feet that day and matched our best shot in 2005.

The Big 10 Inch is now 2-Time World Champions!

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